Hi, 接著就是來驗證登入狀態,如果已經登入就跳轉到首頁否則就在登入畫面,看完我這句話就知道要使用Bloc了,只要是畫面與功能就要使用到Bloc。以上是一個基本的狀態你還可以檢查有沒有重複登入等…。
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| part of 'authentication_bloc.dart';
abstract class AuthenticationEvent extends Equatable { const AuthenticationEvent();
@override List<Object> get props => []; }
class AppStarted extends AuthenticationEvent {}
class LoggedIn extends AuthenticationEvent {}
class LoggedOut extends AuthenticationEvent {}
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| part of 'authentication_bloc.dart';
abstract class AuthenticationState extends Equatable { const AuthenticationState();
@override List<Object> get props => []; }
class AuthenticationInitial extends AuthenticationState {}
class Authenticated extends AuthenticationState { final String displayName;
const Authenticated(this.displayName);
@override List<Object> get props => [displayName]; }
class Unauthenticated extends AuthenticationState {}
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| import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:developer';
import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart'; import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart'; import 'package:stunning_tribble/infrastructure/auth/auth_repository.dart';
part 'authentication_event.dart'; part 'authentication_state.dart';
class AuthenticationBloc extends Bloc<AuthenticationEvent, AuthenticationState> { final AuthRepository _userRepository;
AuthenticationBloc({ required AuthRepository userRepository, }) : _userRepository = userRepository, super(AuthenticationInitial());
@override Stream<AuthenticationState> mapEventToState( AuthenticationEvent event, ) async* { if (event is AppStarted) { yield* _mapAppStartedToState(); } else if (event is LoggedIn) { yield* _mapLoggedInToState(); } else if (event is LoggedOut) { yield* _mapLoggedOutToState(); } }
Stream<AuthenticationState> _mapAppStartedToState() async* { final isSignedIn = await _userRepository.isSignedIn(); yield* isSignedIn.fold( (failure) async* { log("$failure"); yield Unauthenticated(); }, (isSignedInSuccess) async* { yield* _mapLoggedInToState(); }, ); }
Stream<AuthenticationState> _mapLoggedInToState() async* { final user = await _userRepository.getUser(); yield* user.fold( (failure) async* { log("$failure"); yield Unauthenticated(); }, (user) async* { yield Authenticated(user.displayName.toString()); }, ); }
Stream<AuthenticationState> _mapLoggedOutToState() async* { final signOut = await _userRepository.signOut(); yield* signOut.fold( (failure) async* { log("$failure"); yield Unauthenticated(); }, (r) async* { yield Unauthenticated(); }, ); } }